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Journals Engineering Education

Posted at — Feb 1, 2023

Last update May 2023


Academy of Management Learning & Education

Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education

Computers & Education

Distance Education

Education and Information Technologies

Educational Researcher

Educational Technology Research and Development

Engineering Studies

European Journal of Teacher Education

Higher Education

Interactive Learning Environments

International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning

International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education

Internet and Higher Education

Journal of Chemical Education

Journal of College Student Development

Journal of Engineering Education

Journal of Science Education and Technology

Journal of the Learning Sciences

Language Learning & Technology

Learning and Instruction

Research in Higher Education

Review of Educational Research

Studies in Higher Education


Chemistry Education Research and Practice

Computer Applications in Engineering Education

Computer Science Education

Education for Chemical Engineers

Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice


Journal of Technology and Science Education

Science & Education



Journal of Research in Science Teaching

Journal of Technology Education

Technology, Pedagogy and Education